Ralphie loves helping out the NEPA Affliate of the Susan G. Komen For The Cure Foundation. Thursday night, the highly anticipated Girls High School Basketball Game between Abington Heights and Scranton Prep will also double as a fundraiser for the breast cancer foundation. Ralphie interviewed Heights Senior Guard Liz Kilzi to find out more about the game.
Game: Abington Heights vs. Scranton Prep Girls Basketball Team
Time: 7:30pm @ Abington Heights
Benefits: NEPA Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. 75% of net proceeds stay in our local area to fund much needed mammograms and breast health services for uninsured women and men in 15 counties in NEPA. 25% goes towards National Research.
Donations: Over 700 t-shirts between the 2 schools have been sold so far and collections will be taken during the game.
Read The Scranton Times’ Article Here.
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