“Dads” is a new comedy on FOX that premieres Tuesday night at 8. It is a Seth MacFarlane creation, and stars Seth Green and Giovanni Ribisi as two best friends who find their lives turned upside down when their fathers, actors Peter Riegert and Martin Mull respectfully, decide to move in with them.
Vanessa Lachey plays Camila, Ribisi’s wife. When asked if she could ever picture her real life husband, singer Nick, as an overbearing father who meant well, she laughed.
“Nick is not an overbearing guy,” she told “The Ralphie Show” at FOX’s radio junket for its new fall lineup. “But I could see, to that point, how moms become overbearing because I swore to my son, who is now 11 months old, I would never be that mom.”
Camden is now one year old, and despite Vanessa claiming she would never make his friends or potential girlfriends feel uncomfortable, she admits that may be easier said than done.
“Already, I’m like, ‘Are you flirting with her?’” Lachey said, half-kidding, we think. She painted her husband in a softer light. “Nick is just like his father, which is over loving in such a sweet way. Nick said the one thing that hurt him the most growing up was his dad saying, ‘I’m disappointed son.’”
The actress can only hope now that it’s the audience, already with high expectations given MacFarlane’s creator and executive producer credit, that isn’t disappointed.
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