I started last week with an expired passport. I ended it in Sint Maarten celebrating the marriage of my buddy Mark and his lovely wife Sarah.
Obviously I knew about the wedding for a while and I was aware that my passport would lose its validity in February. The problem was that my passport actually had the wrong birthday on it (apparently a common mistake if you go to a post office for the application) and I waited until a week before the expiration to mail it in.
Our government was kind enough to mail it back with a new application. I called, discussed my options with an agent and eventually decided my best bet was to renew at the Passport Office in Manhattan, which typically turns around a new one in 24 hours. Yes, you read that correctly.
And so last Friday morning I boarded a non-stop flight to the island. I proceeded to eat, drink, swim and dance with old and new friends. It was a nice escape; my first destination wedding and hopefully not my last.
The four most common reactions to my Instagram posts from the weekend:
1.) “Your photos looked awesome!”
Thanks – definitely not too difficult when you’re on an island in the Caribbean.
2.) “Were those planes really flying that close to the beach?”
They sure were. That’s Maho Beach, recommended to me by multiple people. Me and two other friends took a cab there for a few drinks and to watch the planes land. Quite a sight!
3.) “I can’t get over you watching the Yankees at the beach.”
I mean, this shouldn’t surprise you.
4.) “Do you always drink Bloody Marys?”
Yes – they were even referred to on the trip by one person as my “accessory.”
I mean, worse things could be associated with me.
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