In Touch Weekly Senior Editor Kim Serafin talked about reaction and ratings for Wednesday evening’s premiere of “The X-Factor” on Fox.Serafin also chatted about the break-up of legendary rockers R.E.M., after 31 years of making music together.
Posts Tagged: rem
five signs he’s man-o-rexic.
this might be of some help on that next first date… “He considers a smoothie to be a meal or a meal substitute. He wants to walk everywhere. This is a patented Manorexic trick. It is undercover calorie burning and it’s evil. The first time Craig proposed we “walk home” after a night out, I… Read more »
five signs he’s man-o-rexic.
this might be of some help on that next first date… “He considers a smoothie to be a meal or a meal substitute. He wants to walk everywhere. This is a patented Manorexic trick. It is undercover calorie burning and it’s evil. The first time Craig proposed we “walk home” after a night out, I… Read more »