not sure what seperated this weekend from others, but it certainly proved to be a weekend of “firsts.”
at the advice of our fearless morning show host aj, i dragged the girlfriend to the viewmont mall in scranton. yes, the guy in the relationship proposed a sunday-filled shopping. to break the stereotype even more, after i finished shopping, ang only had one thing on her mind – an auntie anne’s pretzel and some good ole’ fashioned lemonade. and of course, i obliged.
i hadn’t made it to viewmont yet, and aj recommended their express men store. similar to what i’m accustomed to, the express men is a seperate store in viewmont, as opposed to the mall at steamtown and the wyoming valley mall, where there is simply a men’s section to the regular express.
after a triple-digit bill and a brand new express credit card, i reacquainted myself with the more familiar express men. clearance items were an extra thirty percent off, what did you expect?

more weekend firsts… friday night lights experienced an unfortunate first. due to orders from the authorities, i had to broadcast the entire show from the parking lot across the street from wilkes-barre memorial stadium. clearly this frustrated me, and my initial reaction wasn’t pleasant. but after a little stragetizing, tony from the street team and i devised a plan to deliver the content needed under the circumstances.
before the game, we headed into the stadium. to digress a moment, let me state that i love the stadium. i know it is nothing special, but that’s what makes it unique in my eyes, especially after visiting the fields of scranton and old forge. i really dug the whole “stoic, brick-wall” feel.
i also dug the grub. tony and i feasted on pizza, hot dogs, chili, and hot chocolate. the lack of student participation in the show allowed us to introduce a new segment to friday night lights, where we take our normally off-air discussion of the food to the airwaves. i think this week’s critique of the semi-cold chili and deep, rich hot chocolate went over well the audience (then again, i suppose you would know better than i).
another quick digression, pictures from the night are coming, i promise.
to cap off the weekend, i completed a long-overdue first: cooking my homemade spaghetti sauce in my apartment. i had cooked pasta in syracuse a many times, and even a couple times at the lover’s digs in ct. but, never in the big w-b, until sunday. delish doesn’t do it justice. yes, i’m that confident in my cooking (or atleast my sauce).
add in live appearances at the woodlands and ragz in dallas, along with some qt with the gf, and the you could say the weekend had a little bit of everything you could ask for.
unless of course, you stray from trying things for the first time.
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