In an interview which aired Wednesday on The Ralphie Radio Show, English singer Jay Sean all-but-confirmed a forthcoming song with rapper Drake. But, the Cash Money crooner admits that the next single off of All or Nothing is not determined.
Jay Sean mentioned in past interviews that he would not speak about the track with Drizzy before the details were finalized. However, his response Wednesday hinted that the feature could be a done deal.
“Well, actually, I still have to stay tight-lipped about it,” Jay remarked. “(Laughing) I can’t say nuttin!”
After pressing about his choice of words, particularly interjecting the word “still” in to his response, the “Down” singer elaborated.
“Yesterday I went in to the studio and I did this song,” Jay Sean revealed. “To be honest, I just sent it straight away to the boss man (presumably Cash Money’s Ronald “Slim” Williams). I was like, ‘Dude, I think I might have just messed up our plan here.’”
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Jay Sean also reveals during the interview his inital thoughts when he first heard Lil Wayne’s verse on “Down”…
The aforementioned arrangement may have been to release the track with Drake as the next single. That idea might be in flux after Jay’s studio session. The Englishman notes that he actually entered the studio to write songs for someone else, but that he ended up with a track that he feels strongly about.
“This sounds like a huge single to me,” Jay said of the track he wrote. “So who knows? I think we might have to give Drake a phone call.”
Surely Drake would be able to answer the phone – he’s currently back in Canada after reinjuring a torn ACL while on tour with Lil Wayne.
Jay Sean’s LP, All or Nothing, will drop around Thanksgiving, according to Jay himself. This timeframe is pushed back from an original October target.
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