You could credit Lil Wayne as the first artist of this era to release music with no short term monetary goal in mind. Sure he caught a lot of grief over his marketing style from Universal Motown, but the scheme worked off: Tha Carter III sold more copies than any other LP in 2008.
Now it seems Weezy’s plan is transcending the hip-hop realm. Take We The Kings for example. According to lead singer Travis Clark, the pop-rock quartet has been writing and recording demos for about a year and a half. Now, with the assistance of S-Curve Records, WTK is headed back to radio with a new single, “Heaven Can Wait.”
“I feel like there’s an A.D.D. generation that’s growing tired of music,” Clark said. “I’m part of that A.D.D. generation, where it’s just, we have all of these songs, let’s make a record and let’s do it.”
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Ralphie & WTK in Allentown, Early 2009.
There’s no timeline to create the sophomore LP in place – but the front man predicts that recording will finish in September.
“This is literally so new that it’s like, we’re pretty much recording the rest of it now,” revealed Clark – who gave his label this track along with other demos the band recorded. Both WTK and the label felt strongly about the single – both the song itself and the direction in which it’d take the band. S-Curve put We The Kings in a studio, mastered the track, and will now promote it to radio stations across the country.
“No one’s ever heard it. It’s crazy,” said Clark. “We’ve been playing it live for, yunno, four or five shows, and then you guys are literally the third station in the entire country to play it.”
We The Kings will spend September finishing the new record before heading out on a fall trek with All Time Low and Hey Monday.
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