In an interview that aired Monday evening on “The Ralphie Radio Show”, Jason Derulo, the main supoprting act for Lady GaGa on “The Monster Ball” tour, spoke for the first time about the recent cancellation of a couple shows, as well as GaGa’s appearance on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” The segment with Winfrey taped the morning after GaGa failed to perform at Purdue University. She would eventually cancel her Saturday and Sunday tour dates, and postponed Monday’s performance at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut.
Derulo also said that there are certainly no hard feelings over the incident.
Listen to the audio below, and check The RRS blog later for the interview in its entirety:
“I mean, ‘Oprah’ was obviously a really, really big thing – a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” he said. “She just had to do that.”
The Miami-born singer still spent the weekend in Atlantic City – performing a previously-scheduled solo date on Friday, then performing a second time on Saturday – the night he was to perform with GaGa at The Borgata. Derulo donated all proceeds from the second show to the relief efforts in Haiti – a disaster which hit home for the crooner.
“My heart goes out to Haiti. My parents are from Haiti,” revealed Derulo. His uncle still resides there, and survived the earthquake.
“For the first couple days, like, he was just sleeping on the streets,” Derulo said. “He was saying how the streets just smell of death.”
While on The RRS, Derulo solicited listeners to text “YELE” to 501501. The text will donate $5 to Yele Haiti – a grassroots foundation started by singer Wyclef Jean to aid the country.
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