She’s made headlines for having octuplets, starring in her own pornography film, and dancing topless to erase debt. But now Nadya Suleman is preparing for yet another career sure to garner people’s attention: recording artist.
“I used to sing lullabies to my kids, for years and years,” Octomom told me of her limited musical experience. “They didn’t run away screaming!”
The mother of 14 also played flute as a kid for “seven or eight years.” But now Suleman finds herself in Los Angeles, recording a new uptempo single with Adam Barta, who has placed singles on the Billboard Dance Charts.
“I signed with Gina Rodriguez, and Nadya was one of her clients,” recalled Barta of how he linked up with Octomom. “Gina had this inspiration, like ‘Let’s do a viral version of the music video [for ‘Q&A’] and put Nadya at the end of it.”
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So, an alternate cut of the video was uploaded to YouTube, with Suleman saying at the end, “Hey Adam, it’s Octo. You nailed it tonight. Let’s do a duet on my new album!”
Sure enough, media outlets began reporting that Suleman was headed to the studio. Barta recorded the first part at Audiomax Studios in New Jersey, and flew out to LA to work with Octomom on the last part of the song, due out in a couple weeks. The timing is good for Suleman, as she has taken herself off of welfare and out of debt with both her pornography video and adult dancing career in Florida.
“I feel a lot better,” she admitted. “I’m in a much better place emotionally and financially, and I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I really see a bright light.”
Despite her public profile, Octomom says she’s “always nervous.” Barta worked with her in studio to break down any fears she might have about recording. In the process, the singer says he was impressed with Suleman’s appreciation of music, specifically hip-hop.
“I love all music,” the mother said of her personal tastes. “My all time favorite is Tupac. He was an amazing talent.”
Octomom went on to call herself a big fan of Eminem, Rihanna, and Jay-Z. It doesn’t get much more “cray” than that.
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