Most 14 year-olds aren’t taking time off of school to do press surrounding their first headlining concert. Of course, Carly Rose Sonenclar isn’t your typical teenager. “The Westchester, NY-native and “X-Factor” runner-up will play the Best Buy Theater on August 10.
“On the way here I was driving by, and I drove past the Best Buy (Theater) and I was just kind of like… smiling,” the singer gushed in an interview with 95.5 PLJ’s “The Ralphie Show.” “I couldn’t even believe it.”
This is the first show that Sonenclar will be the top bill for. In between school finals and other ordinary teenage escapades, she’s planning out the show’s set list.
“We have some ideas,” Sonenclar revealed. “I’ve never worked on anything like this before. It’s really fun.”
The set-list will include covers she’s performed on both the TV show and her YouTube account. The artist thinks there might be room to perform one original song. Sonenclar is currently in “pre-production on her first solo album with Simon Cowell’s SYCO Music. After informing Carly Rose that her fans, aptly named “Carly’s Angels” aren’t too thrilled with that term, she explained exactly what it entails.
“Basically, it’s just the early stages,” Sonenclar responded, referring to the album creation process. “It’s going to require patience, and for me as well. I’m going continue to be putting covers out on YouTube and I have the show coming up, but like as far as the album goes, it might be a little bit longer.”
As surreal as it was for a 14 year-old to preach about patience, Sonenclar showed her maturity even more in explaining why she isn’t in a rush to release new material.
“I want to be an artist that’s here for the long-run, not someone who puts out an album tomorrow and then by the time the next run of ‘The X-Factor’ comes around people are forgetting about me,” she explained. “I’d rather, yunno, if it takes waiting a little bit longer so that in the end, I stay in the music business for longer, then that’s what I’m going to do.”
When we were first introduced to Carly Rose on national TV, judge L.A. Reid referred to her as, “an old soul.” Apparently that characterization extends beyond her vocal range.
More info on the all ages show is available here. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Starlight Children’s Foundation.
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