“The Diary of a Teenage Girl” was a breakout hit at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. Based on a novel, the plot alone raises eyebrows and piques curiosity: a 35 year-old man takes the virginity of his girlfriend’s 15 year-old daughter. The movie is set in 1970’s San Francisco. Predatory? Sure. But director Marielle Heller… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Alexander Skarsgård
INTERVIEW: Alexander Skarsgård On ‘The Giver’ And Working With Taylor Swift
Actor Alexander Skarsgård called “Ralphie Tonight” from London where he is shooting “Tarzan” to talk about his role in “The Giver,” which stars Jeff Bridges and Meryl Streep. Skarsgård also spoke about hanging out off set with the cast and crew, including singer Taylor Swift.