Posts Tagged: death

RRS AUDIO: Jackson Family Friend Leonard Rowe on MJ’s Death, AEG, New Book

Download the interview Concert promoter and close Jackson family friend Leonard Rowe called in to “The Ralphie Radio Show” to talk about his new e-book, What Really Happened to Michael Jackson, The King of Pop.The book is available for purchase here. Rowe also told “The RRS” that Joe Jackson and “other members” of Jackson’s family… Read more »

creator of pringles passes away…

sad news over the weekend as dr. fredric baur passed away. dr. baur is best known for creating the delicious and neat snack pringles. as per the doctor’s orders, baur was creamated.and you guessed it, his ashes were buried in a pringles cylinder.

creator of pringles passes away…

sad news over the weekend as dr. fredric baur passed away. dr. baur is best known for creating the delicious and neat snack pringles. as per the doctor’s orders, baur was creamated.and you guessed it, his ashes were buried in a pringles cylinder.