Posts Tagged: Uncategorized

don’t worry, still here…

sorry for going m.i.a. during the holiday vacation. things became extremely hectic around here, and then i headed home to niagara falls to spend thanksgiving with the family. i also partook in my first black friday since my days of collecting kenner starting lineups as a kid. i then one-up’d myself, shopping through websites today… Read more »

don’t worry, still here…

sorry for going m.i.a. during the holiday vacation. things became extremely hectic around here, and then i headed home to niagara falls to spend thanksgiving with the family. i also partook in my first black friday since my days of collecting kenner starting lineups as a kid. i then one-up’d myself, shopping through websites today… Read more »

one of my new favorite web sites.

if you’re addicted to late-breaking pap photos AND video, you’ll love just browsed and wanted to post a five threads to this blog, but i figured i’d give you the link to explore in full, unrestricted fashion. enjoy, and thank me later.

one of my new favorite web sites.

if you’re addicted to late-breaking pap photos AND video, you’ll love just browsed and wanted to post a five threads to this blog, but i figured i’d give you the link to explore in full, unrestricted fashion. enjoy, and thank me later.