i am a diehard yankees fan, and while in studio last night, throughly enjoyed watching derek jeter squeak out a game-winning hit for the my bronx bombers.

but apparently, clutch-hits isn’t the only thing the yankee captain distributes.

(l to r: minillo, jeter, biel)

but apparently, clutch-hits isn’t the only thing the yankee captain distributes.

(l to r: minillo, jeter, biel)
according to laragmag.com – derek jeter gave jessica alba herpes.

(alba: this month’s cosmo cover girl)

(alba: this month’s cosmo cover girl)
still undecided on who i feel bad for.
anywho – jeter is known as “serial celebrity dater.” mariah carey, vanessa minillo, jessica biel, maybe now gabrielle union.
and i’m sure that is just scratching the surface.
but think of the ramifactions. justin timberlake and nick lachey – you may be infected too.
could you imagine – derek jeter goes from endorsing nike and ford to valtrex?
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