In an interview which aired Thursday on “The Ralphie Radio Show”, singer Iyaz confirmed another collaboration with Miley Cyrus, and this time it’ll be a project that you can not only hear, but see as well.
“I’m actually on an episode of ‘Hannah Montana’ that’s coming out in August,” the Island-pop star revealed. “I’ve been watching the show for the past two, three years and I’m definitely happy that I can be a part of it.”
The singer first linked up with Cyrus behind the microphone, telling me last March that he worked on a song with Miley for the new “Hannah Montana” soundtrack, which will coincide with the final season. The series launches in to its last run of episodes on July 11. Iyaz will now also appear alongside Cyrus.
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The British Virgin Islands-born star is keeping busy these days, and is no stranger to teaming up with the youngin’s. Iyaz partnered with Charice for the song “Pyramid,” which he also performed with the singer live on “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” This summer, he joins up with fellow T.I.M.E. artist Sean Kingston on Jusitn Bieber’s “My World” tour.
“I think so, I think I am going to be on the second (leg of the tour),” said Iyaz of the prospects of traveling with Bieber through the winter, when the tour hits larger U.S. arenas. “We’re trying to get everything finalized so hopefully I am.”
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