After a three year hiatus, Chris Brown returned to The Grammy Awards on Sunday in near-unprecedented fashion for someone of his age. The 22 year-old performed twice and scored the award for “Best R&B Album” with his 2011 release, F.A.M.E. While “Team Breezy” celebrated the comeback, there were quite a few others that were not… Read more »
Posts Categorized: cnn
HLN ‘SHOWBIZ TONIGHT’: Donald Trump, Mariah Carey, The Osbournes
On Tuesday evening I talked Donald Trump, Mariah Carey, The Osbournes with hosts Brooke Anderson and A.J. Hammer on CNN HLN’s “Showbiz Tonight.” Check out all three of my segments below!Big thanks to HLN and Mark Goldman of Goldman & McCormick PR.
CNN HEADLINE NEWS: ABC Cancels Two Soap Operas
I appeared on CNN Headline News with anchor Virginia Cha to talk about the cancellation of the ABC soap operas, “One Life to Live” and “All My Children.”Big thanks to HLN and Mark Goldman of Goldman & McCormick PR.
CNN HEADLINE NEWS: LeBron’s Mom; Tiger Weiner
I appeared on CNN Headline News “Prime News” with guest host Carlos Diaz to talk about the legal troubles facing LeBron James’ mother and the new “Tiger Home Wrecker” hot dog being sold in Augusta, GA.Big thanks to Mark Goldman of Goldman & McCormick PR.
CNN HEADLINE NEWS: Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, Priority Mail
I appeared on CNN Headline News “Prime News” with host Vinnie Politan to talk about the ongoing Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan drama, along with a sad story of alleged animal cruelty.Thanks to Mark Goldman of Goldman & McCormick PR. Reach out to Mark if you’re interested in appearing on TV, radio, or in print… Read more »
CNN HEADLINE NEWS: Ricky Gervais’ Golden Globes Performance, Miss America
Last night, I appeared on CNN Headline News “Prime News” with guest host Carlos Diaz to talk about a couple different stories, including Ricky Gervais’ Golden Globes performance and the new Miss America.Special thanks also to Mark Goldman of Goldman and McCormick PR.
CNN NEWSROOM: Spiderman, Katy Perry, The Voice of ‘Lone Ranger’
I appeared on CNN “Newsroom” with Kyra Phillips to talk about the recent issues with the Spiderman musical on Broadway, Katy Perry’s desire to have children, and the death of Fred Foy – voice of “The Lone Ranger.”
CNN HEADLINE NEWS: Bullies, Overdue Books, and DUIs
I appeared on CNN Headline News “Prime News” with Vinnie Politan to commentate about a number of topics, from a woman locked up for overdue library books to a man claiming he wasn’t drunk driving, he was blind. Thanks to Mark Goldman of Goldman and McCormick PR.
CNN HEADLINE NEWS: Mel Gibson, Texting While Driving, & More
I appeared on CNN Headline News “Prime News” with Vinnie Politan to commentate about a plethora of stories, from a juror passing love notes to Mel Gibson as well as texting while driving.Thanks to Mark Goldman of Goldman and McCormick PR –
CNN HEADLINE NEWS: Justin Bieber, Tiger Woods, & More
I appeared on CNN Headline News “Prime News” with Vinnie Politan Monday night to speak about a variety of topics, from Justin Bieber to Tiger Woods.Thanks to Mark Goldman of Goldman and McCormick PR!