Some credit Foster The People with leading indie rock’s movement in to mainstream radio, with acts such as fun. and Gotye now reaping the benefits. FTP lead singer Mark Foster is honored that people might credit him with changing the spectrum of pop music. “Recently I’ve had a lot of people, like old friends in… Read more »
Posts Tagged: gotye
AUDIO: ‘Now I Want a Doritos Taco’ (Parody of Gotye’s ‘Somebody That I Used to Know)
I feel this goes without saying, but the following parody is not Gotye-approved.
Gotye’s Hit, As Interpreted By Two Kids
Seriously, how can you not absolutely love this?
WBRE ‘PA LIVE!’: Paul Rodriguez, ‘Glee’, N’Sync
On WBRE’s “PA Live!” for this week’s “The Ralphie Report,” I played Paul Rodriguez’s comments on Kim Kardashian, talked about the recent indie-rock surge on “Glee,” and talked about an Entertainment Weekly interview with J.C. Chasez where he shot down an N’Sync reunion… again. It’s gonna be May!
DAILY DOWNLOAD: TheRealBigChaz – ‘Somebody That I Used to Call’
Carly Rae Jespen x Flo Rida x Chris Brown x Gotye = one of the best mashups you will hear this summer. But wait, there’s more! Use the Soundcloud link below to download the track for free!
DAILY DOWNLOAD: Gotye – ‘Somebody That I Used to Know’
I hear comparisons of this track to Foster The People’s “Pumped Up Kicks.” If they mean two indie rock tracks that pop radio will play until people’s ears bleed… I get it.